
Gut Richthofen

Guest House "Manor house - a flowering oasis"

Gut Richthofen manor house - a flowering oasis - is situated easily accessible about 20 km inland from the beach and on the bank of the Swakop River. Countless palm trees sway in the breeze while they give shade to a water feature producing a soothing wate

Gut Richthofen manor house - a flowering oasis - is situated easily accessible about 20 km inland from the beach and on the bank of the Swakop River. Countless palm trees sway in the breeze while they give shade to a water feature producing a soothing water sounds. Contrary to the weather at the coastline, which is frequently misty, here sunshine prevails for longer hours and the climate is warmer and drier. The ideal climate to get away from the European winter and hibernate in a paradise.

Richthofen manor is only 20 km outside Swakopmund and by car it takes only 15 minutes. Richthofen borders on the Namib-Naukluft Park nature reserve.

Bar / Liquor   Bar / Liquor
Bird Watching   Bird Watching
Braai   Braai
Self Catering   Self Catering
Swimming   Swimming


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Gut Richthofen's official website


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SADC Resident Rates
SADC passport holders


Gut Richthofen
is in the Mountain Kingdom region.
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